Think... imagine.... dream... & finally realize who within you "IS" thinking... imagining... & dreaming... Such realization brings "you" to this Moment where Space Presence Silence & Peace reveals it self to be the very end of a New and always fresh Begging, where everything and no.thing takes place. Life it self Loving the beauty of realizing it self... within it self.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
What if...
What if...
Life has been experiencing itself from the very begging, living Life after Life, creating all kind of experiences, playing a game where the main actor was is and will always be you.
What if...
The will within you was to realize that it was you from the very beginning creating yourself just for the joy of realizing yourself in all that was is and will always be.
What if...
Life could only knew it self by recognising it self and Re-creating it self.
What would you choose...
The innocence of “not knowing” and therefor surrender to that space where the mind silences it self and ideas have no existence. Leaving only what “IS” So life can reveal it self to it self.
Or would you rather live a life thinking that you know who you are, living a dream with a beginning and an end, where you feel trapped in time hoping that death does not come soon, struggling for a better tomorrow and ignoring the Present & magical Moment called "LIFE".
Death and birth are One and the same, without death there is no birth without birth there is no death. Death is the past revealed in Present Birth is the Now it self and eternity is the Future revealed in the Moment.
People run after happiness
People run after happiness such belief arises from a lack in not knowing who we are, so therefor happiness is taught to be found outside of us. We turn left we turn right we go up we go down we go all around, in search for that happiness.
All this without realizing that happiness is not out side of us because happiness is not a thing.
What we call things has a beginning and an end a limited nature therefor they provide limited happiness.
Contemplating Life is not limited it will only be limited if one chooses to stop contemplating, so one might say that true and ever lasting happiness is a state of Being such state arises from accepting Life to be as it “IS”. Not as think it is, because even a thought is limited thing therefor one must choose the unlimited perspective, a choice that arises from accepting and allowing your self to see Life and Be life with no boundaries and no interference of thoughts at all.
One must see and accept everything even interference as part OF the unlimited that Life IS, everything that happens including thoughts including emotions feelings and actions, all are parts of the unlimited that you can accept and see has being part of what "IS".
So once more people run after happiness and will continue to, till the day that they realize happiness is within the moment it self, not a part of it but the whole unlimited moment that "IS".
One must Observe...
Can One believe in Himself? Is there truth and value in One´s own belief?
One can believe in everything One can believe in others or in his self.
But belief is a two way drive to a dead end or a creation with an unlimited end.
Belief will only become value when One Observes the path of both ways and through honesty realizes the golden “path” of realization.
Every Belief anticipates a result that validates or not the root of such belief, One must Observe and be conscious of such value through honesty the wise One shall attain stability and Light for his own journey.
A World Awakening...
Some may say it does not make sense a World AWAKENING it is not possible such manifestation, others might say it is a need that the World desperately call for, while others are slowly and simply recognising the obvious it is a will of Conscious Life towards life it self to Awaken.
It is within Life´s will to Love and Live Happy and free, it has been this way from the beginning of times, humanity has always searched for happiness a happiness that was never completely fulfilled. Today Humanity finds it self in a circle of time were answers and solutions no longer seem to appear.
Some may say there are many that do not recognise such will, while others may say it does not matter how many recognise such will, but indeed if "I" I self do recognise such a will.
Gandhi once said "Be the change you want to see in the world". Because Gandhi himself recognized the will.
A Connexion is Happening all around the world, life is connecting it self to it self through an ancient yet Universal language called LOVE. Millions of people are NOW communicating with each other recognising that they are not alone in this will for happiness.
The prophecies and the ancient civilizations spoke of New Era yet to be born, in some the end of the world is mentioned others speak of a change a shift in one´s life.
The end also means a beginning, the love that we are now sharing with each other is awakening the love within each and everyone of us, it is no longer a matter of who but a matter of you and you only.
So Join your Hearts will, and you will find Happiness and joy in such sharing, slowly a New world will raise and make sense has the old One drops it self to a past that no longer has a place in the Present moment.
Love & Peace 2 all
Everything in Life is pushing us to the moment
It is life's will to live Happy and free, one can say that this is not reality that life is not free & happy at all times. One can say that total Happiness and freedom is not the state of life in today's World, that such realization is far to be accomplished and yet to be considered as a true and possible state in one´s reality.
Life is freedom and Happiness, however such freedom and happiness seem far away from being the truth. Yes! It is true that it seems far from reality but such perspective raises from the limited One, from the one who looks at the world without an inner meaning.
We tend to blame and value the outside things in the world for everything that happens in our lives, has if we were not truly free has if destiny luck and coincidence were ruling our life's in such way that the outside world became our only reality.
Such reality is waking us up it is pushing each and everyone of us to the moment. Why is that so? Because it is in Life's will to realize such freedom and happiness because reality and Living is all about the moment, it is within the moment that One sees his inner reality and slowly becomes conscious of a new world, a reality where One can accomplish such state of freedom and Happiness.
Life is using the outside world to push us to the inner world to the moment where everything happens, people all around the world are finally starting to wonder what is going on with there lives why did this or that happened to me? The outside world is not capable anymore to answer all the Questions that One is willing to ask.
Such questions are also stopping the notion that one has of “Time” people are becoming more aware of the moment and noticing that it is within the moment that the reflection meditation and awareness happens an with it an inner Knowing is taking place.
The outside world is being used by you to you, so your unconscious state can become conscious of the happiness and freedom that “One” is willing to live, such doing is a paradox for the Human mind, manifestations such as being fired divorced loosing your house your business disease stress financial debts and much more are the tools that One is using to stop in time, and realize that Life is the moment.
The moment is the door way to such freedom and Happiness, to step in you must first step out of time, so you no longer identify your self with the worries of tomorrow or the fault of what yesterday happened, Life is the NOW this very moment where One can see and validate on his own what him and only him can validate. Words can be expressed, films, speeches, and all manifest world can claim a way to that happiness and freedom, but none will succeed until You and only You give that chance to yourself to actually believe in such freedom and Happiness within you.
The Earth dances
A magical and divine dance is happening all over the world.
Such dance is hidden in the wind, in the sun, or even in the moon.
A Magical and yet obvious mystery is taking place in the world
Such mystery has its roots within each One of us.
Only some, are now realizing that there is a mystical music, a song
That crosses the earth with indescribable beauty
A melody that can only be discovered in the present Moment
A melody that allows Life to dance and BE One
The Earth dances with the sound of it´s own Consciousness
Through out eternity Life celebrates the Now it self
By recognising that you me him and us are all ONE
A Oneness that has divided it self in all musical notes
So One can realise his own nature
Surrendering to the present moment, by jumping out of time
Allows Life within you to see to hear to touch and feel
The magical dance that Life has created for it self
There is a reason
Life has been experiencing it self...
Life has been experiencing it self since ever
What can One say about experience
Experience shows us two things
It brings joy or sadness
It offers Happiness or Unhappiness
It has proven two states of being
A state of worry and struggle for such happiness
Or a natural state of just being the goal it self “happy”
One can say that happiness raises from achievement
But all that is achieved is conditioned to a beginning and end
So Happiness has been taken to be a thing
That does not last
So how can Life live forever Happy?
Is it possible? Where can One find such Happiness?
One must first define what Happiness is
If it is a thing an achievement then forever Happiness does not exist
But if it is a Natural state, a state of acceptence towards Life
Then it no longer is a Thing but indeed Life it self recognising it self
Just like a tree
For some Life most of times is a storm
For others sunshine days come and go
People live there Lives in this weather
Some times they are happy some times they are sad
And sometimes they wonder
They stop in time and look at sky
And look at Life
And then suddenly something happens
They realize that the Sun
Was always there even during the night
The sun was shinning and saying hello to the moon
So indeed those people live their Lives facing the Sun
Facing and reflecting light to others
Because they have discovered that life
Was always about sharing just like the sun
Just like the tree
The Birds
The sea
The lake
The bees
It was always
About sharing the happiness that
One can be.
Just Being the moment
The wind blows a new fragrance
The Field whispers the essence of Life
The tree dances the festivity of being alive
While the Human eye observes the manifest
The Lungs inhale the meaning of existence
The “I” contemplates the beauty of the moment
The child plays with curiosity the magic of Now
Neither the future
Neither the past
Holds such treasure
Such wealth
Of just "being the moment"
Is it strange?
I don´t think neither feel so...
Somehow people are opening up. Life seems to be validating something in common between some of us.
Is it a feeling that we are all willing to share a higher meaning in Life?
It looks like that we have found a common Vision, a vision of friendship love and attention towards Life it self.
We seem to be realizing the “obvious”. What we always knew from the very beginning, since childhood.
We are Life willing to share happiness among us.
A simple message, a simple word, a song, a gathering, a look or even a Presence is being manifested.
Some call it, a Universal yet ancient forgotten language, called Love.
Such realization is pushing each one of us, to a moment of peace joy and happiness, with it the will of just being the example seems to be enough.
The need to blame others to point out a finger to world that seems out of control is no longer within the Heart of those who are waking up.
Slowly people all around the globe are realizing the power behind Love. Such power brings joy happiness harmony and peace within One´s Life.
To Live such life is to share the Love with life it self and therefor become the example that One wishes to see in the World.
Life when awaken is abundant and magical, the will within Life in all living beings is to BE and realize that Life is was and will always be a space and time were YOU decide to play has you wish. Ultimately you will discover that it was only a play, were the script was decided from you to you from the very beginning.
The awaken One realizes such play and stops playing. He NOW chooses to follow his Heart, knowing that creation is a never ending process were Life meets & Loves it self.
Words can often be misunderstood.
Words can carry out a powerful meaning in One´s Life.
To claim that there is a need to heal the world can often be misunderstood, simply because the meaning behind such word can be interpreted in different ways.
To heal induces most of times the existence of a disease, it claims that there is problem that has to be resolved.
Indeed there is an apparent “present” state in our world that does not serve any more humanity, but that does not mean that there is a disease, neither a problem. Both concepts raises from the mind and mind only creating such existence.
What we claim to be a problem a disease in our world is our perspective towards life it self, the way we perceive it is actually creating it.
Many have spoken that there is a dream state, therefor a unconscious state of Life towards life it self.
For God Life Energy Consciousness the awaken ONE there is no need to heal or even cure, simply because there is no disease in the first place.
Then what is there? The belief in such existence creates such existence. That is the freedom that life grants itself.
So One must Observe the unconscious state One is living, Observation Meditation Honesty & being Present in the NOW it self, is the ONE only process through which You I and everyone else realizes the creation One is creating.
Life when Conscious of itself “IS” free abundant Happy Joyful Healthy ...
Ultimately the moment itself Conscious of being itself.
To understand Life
To understand Life you must first understand yourself. Simply because you are life it self trying to understand it self. Such understanding is revealed by Observation by contemplating your inner self. Freedom is your Natural state, nevertheless it is the
freedom that allows the misunderstanding of Life to think differently.
Life is simple practical and joyful, such state is a inner state that the mind often ignores.
Do not follow anyone
Do not follow anyone.
Neither the truth nor a meaning to life needs followers instead learn to observe all Living things and non things.
Truth or a meaning to Life is "within" all Life and not "outside" Life. What we declare to be outside does not exist. All is Life therefor Observe all Life including what you claim to be you.
At first One must have distance between the “One” who see´s and what is seen. One can see and observe what “IS” the nature behind all living things and non things. Thoughts emotions feelings and all manifest comes and goes, nothing remains forever.
By being Present in the moment One witnesses the Film the story called Life, only then by being in the Now, by simply Observing can Life reveal what was always revealed.
Once Observed the nature of all things, One will finally "follow his Heart" by simply being One with it, the state of being that holds the will that keeps you breathing, is the same state that creates Life and reveals the beauty and joy of evolution.
James Redfield Once wrote:
“Look not from the mind, but from the soul.
For the Life that is coming is already before us, waiting to open up the world.
Just look more closely.
Find eyes to see.”
Be aware of Life so the Life within you can become aware of itself.
Be like a river a cloud a fountain or simply the sea.
The river is wise
It accepts all encounters it does not attach itself to anything.
Neither the river the sea the clouds nor the fountain bring to an end the unconditional state of giving water to one another. Simply because all know that they are One in essence manifested has the Cycle of Life, they are actually giving and receiving what they once gave.
The River shares its essence with all living beings, because Nature is wise and is aware of it´s own Nature.
We are all ONE.
Freedom of the body is not the ultimate freedom
To think that One is Free is not enough to claim freedom, simply because freedom is not a thought. Instead Freedom is the awareness above all thoughts, to be free is to recognise such state of Being.
To be free is to recognise that thoughts are clouds that come & go in one´s mind, be free of your mind and you shall discover yourself.
Freedom comes within ones mind, the perspective upon all living and non living things shifts’ revealing what was always revealed.
You are not the mind but the One conscious of the mind.
Ultimate freedom “IS” your true Nature , meaning you are the one and only creating your reality, to accept this is to accept the Life within you.
You create your life by simply believing in it, that is the highest Freedom that Life concedes to it self.
One has to be Present in the moment and Observe the mind, the unconscious state that is creating all caos and misery in the world.
J. Krisnamurty once said: “You are the world”
Free yourself and the world will “follow”
"He" once thought
Some people spend their entire lives working desiring and worshiping a better life, hoping that one day such achievement will bring them eternal joy and happiness.
While others are who simply choose to stop playing the game of time and realize that happiness is not an achievement but indeed a state of Presence, where One accepts life has it “IS” dropping the control he once thought he had on life.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
The Wize One knows
The wise one experiences life & do not ignore such experience, he knows that experience is of high value for the discovering of inner peace.
Trough Mountains and valleys he soon becomes aware that Peace Joy & Freedom are One & within the moment where the journey of Life takes place.
Destination and time are of no value for him, instead there is the recognition that Life "IS" the very moment where One can create and realize such birth of manifestation.
The Now itself the stage that allows ideias to come to Life.
A New World is raising
The chaos is some how wakening us up. A small yet significant group of people are connecting themselves with each other, Life within themselves is opening up. An opening that is allowing Life to manifest Create and share a genuine and honest will of Life towards it self.
These groups of people are recognising a common language will meaning and purpose for Life. Love sharing and creating a Conscious New World is no longer a dream with no reality instead it is the dream becoming reality.
The past is Now only memories which they choose to leave behind, the NOW "hides" the magic and the beauty of being Alive, of Being Conscious and Aware of simply Being Life.
The chaos is an abandoned and sinking ship that has no place in the New world, such ship was created upon a belief it served Life has an experience it has its own value as and experience. Life can Now choose to live the experience that Life can Now offer to itself.
Today the Life within these people choose a New World a New experience, an experience of Love and compassion among all living beings. Life is discovering that such Love transforms Life into this New World, it creates a New reality where Happiness and joy are the manifestation and the main fruits of such belief turn into reality.
It is no longer a world of disease fear sadness or weakness, instead it is a World of Light where only an open Heart can enter can participate and become ONE with all there "IS".
We I all are ONE
I have crossed mountains and valleys
I have won and lost wars
I have cried while seeing my son dying in my arms
I have lost and gain loved ones
I have struggled for food
I have travelled through distant lands
I have loved and been loved
I have hated and been hated
I have seen the world with the eyes of separation
I have lost myself
And Now finally I have realised that Life
Was all about me experiencing myself
Now I have found myself
Has being the One and only
Self behind all things
The Now and eternal Now
The light
The One
And realizing
What only the One
Can realize
We I and all
Life is made of Moments
Life is made of moments
In fact Life is the moment it self
A moment that most forget.
So One can say, to forget the moment is to forget Life
So what is One living?
Is it a dream state
A state that ignores the Present moment
And lives only in time
How does One live in time?
By simply thinking of it, by living trapped within his though
He the “One” forgets Life the moment.
To live within his thoughts
But Life is not thoughts
Thoughts are clouds that appear in the moment
The moment is the stage where everything takes place
Including the act of not being in the moment.
But it is only and act
So One can pretend and act
To be or not to be - In the moment
Once upon a time...
Once upon a time a small and beautiful Flower was lost in it´s own garden.
It suddenly started to cry and all creatures around her were shocked and surprised with the sound of sadness expressed by her crying.
What is it? Why are you crying? Asked the bee gently to the flower
I am crying because I feel Lost, and I do not know where I am.
It is the feeling that is within you that creates such state of being, if you look closely you will see that belief on such feeling is the cause of the feeling it self.
Stop believing in such feeling and you will see, it was only the belief that you were lost that caused the feeling to Be.
The flower was confused with such words and stopped in order to see. If there was in fact a belief in such feeling and if she could actually see.
Yes it is true, I am no longer lost because I was, IS, and always BE the flower that Now knows that all are beliefs that you I and all can pretend to BE.
Life allows Life it self to pretend not to be, and therefor feel lost in a garden that was, IS & will always be there... for all of us... to see..
& BE
Do not try to understand Life with your mind
Do not try to understand Life with your mind. Instead Look at your mind and see for your self what has been creating your life in the first place.
You see! Whatever your mind claims to be true can only become true because you and you only believed in it.
So stop believing in your mind, and pay attention to it, sooner or later you will realize that you are the One behind it, the One who decides in which thoughts to believe in.
Thoughts of fear, or thoughts of Love...
Thoughts of doubts or thoughts of certainty...
Thoughts of sadness or thoughts of happiness....
Thoughts of worry or thoughts of trust...
Once the Life within you has taken this step, “YOU” will finally be free & Conscious to create the Life “YOU” have dreamed of.
The Book & the writings
You can study all your life
You can learn
You can read
You can hear others
You can gather all information
Yet, without experience
Without Living
You will be only a book
A book has no experience at all
Do not choose to be only a Book
Instead Be the book and the living experience
Of such book
Realize your Life
Has being the book the writings and ultimately
The writer of such book
Where can One find truth?
One cannot find truth, simply because truth cannot be found.
Yet it can be discover.
Truth is not a thing neither a goal, therefor it is not lost.
One can only realise truth.
Such realization can only happen in the Now it self.
You see whatever you claim to be true, can only be claimed in the Moment you claim it.
But what is truth?
Truth can only be simplicity, that which has no doubts, or inner opposition.
One can say my truth begins here and ends there.
Or One might say I do not know
Nevertheless the light that decides what is true within you is and will always be your honesty towards yourself.
Truth can only be decided by you and you only.
So truth is a wave, a river that flows within each One of us.
Today it can be true the self realization that “I do not know”
And tomorrow the same truth can be “I do Know”
But what can One know within this flow of Knowingness?
One can know it´s own honesty
One can know that everything in life including your self changes
One can know that truth is only within the moment when realized and stated
So if One wishes to discover truth, Honesty is the tool for such realization.
The Moment seems to be the only stage that allows Life to take place, what kind of truth does the moment “hide”? and why does it hide it?
In fact the moment does not hide the truth, it actually reveals it, has being it self and only itself.
But why is there the notion that the truth his hidden?
The idea of a hidden truth is the obstacle that creates such illusion, everything in Life is and can be perceived by an idea.
So the mind, that which labels all reality hides the truth.
But without the mind One can not understand truth, because the mind is also the tool of creation.
If One does not understand Life, death, who are we, why are we here, time past Present and future, One does not understand its own Nature. It is natural not to understand, but it is also natural to admit the truth, the honesty of “not knowing”.
When the truth of not knowing is realized within each One of us, Curiosity raises and something very powerful takes place, we empty ourselves from a mind full of ideas, allowing space within ourselves.
The “not knowing” is a blissful state, simply because it allows the moment to come in, the new and the Magic of seeing “things” for the first time happens, and with it realization slowly takes place.
The Understanding of our Nature...
One can say it is like being born again, others say it is pure Magic, while some look and ask what is it that´s going on.
It seems that a small yet decided group of people are willing to understand Life, they have stopped in time and asked them selves what am I doing here? The film that is happening is no longer making sense, suffering stress agony and constant worries on Life are of no value for them. The so called Happiness that society once claimed to be is no longer satisfying the will within themselves, the will of just being true to them selves.
You see for these people Life can only make sense if true happiness is understood and taken place, not has an achievement but has a natural and legit way to live Life.
With this a new consciousness is taking place, they are realizing that a inner reality is happening, and a responsibility towards them selves is increasing. Worries fears doubts emotions thoughts and feelings are starting to make sense, they are actually realizing the relationship between their inner self and the outside world.
Honesty is raising more and more and with it space peace non judgement and faith in the unknown is allowing Life to flow more easily.
Has a result Happiness is changing and so is the meaning of it. The attention the presence and acceptance towards the simplicity of being in the moment, either with friends, family or people is revealing such clarity, life is this very moment were One can choose to believe in Life and in the Happiness that we all are.
Such realization is pulling us to a state of innocence towards life, just like a child that has found a New World to live in. A world that is showing us the Life within ourselves, were happiness is no longer outside but inside each and everyone of us, leading us ultimately to the very understanding of our Nature.
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