What if...
Life has been experiencing itself from the very begging, living Life after Life, creating all kind of experiences, playing a game where the main actor was is and will always be you.
What if...
The will within you was to realize that it was you from the very beginning creating yourself just for the joy of realizing yourself in all that was is and will always be.
What if...
Life could only knew it self by recognising it self and Re-creating it self.
What would you choose...
The innocence of “not knowing” and therefor surrender to that space where the mind silences it self and ideas have no existence. Leaving only what “IS” So life can reveal it self to it self.
Or would you rather live a life thinking that you know who you are, living a dream with a beginning and an end, where you feel trapped in time hoping that death does not come soon, struggling for a better tomorrow and ignoring the Present & magical Moment called "LIFE".
Death and birth are One and the same, without death there is no birth without birth there is no death. Death is the past revealed in Present Birth is the Now it self and eternity is the Future revealed in the Moment.
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