People run after happiness such belief arises from a lack in not knowing who we are, so therefor happiness is taught to be found outside of us. We turn left we turn right we go up we go down we go all around, in search for that happiness.
All this without realizing that happiness is not out side of us because happiness is not a thing.
What we call things has a beginning and an end a limited nature therefor they provide limited happiness.
Contemplating Life is not limited it will only be limited if one chooses to stop contemplating, so one might say that true and ever lasting happiness is a state of Being such state arises from accepting Life to be as it “IS”. Not as think it is, because even a thought is limited thing therefor one must choose the unlimited perspective, a choice that arises from accepting and allowing your self to see Life and Be life with no boundaries and no interference of thoughts at all.
One must see and accept everything even interference as part OF the unlimited that Life IS, everything that happens including thoughts including emotions feelings and actions, all are parts of the unlimited that you can accept and see has being part of what "IS".
So once more people run after happiness and will continue to, till the day that they realize happiness is within the moment it self, not a part of it but the whole unlimited moment that "IS".
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