It is life's will to live Happy and free, one can say that this is not reality that life is not free & happy at all times. One can say that total Happiness and freedom is not the state of life in today's World, that such realization is far to be accomplished and yet to be considered as a true and possible state in one´s reality.
Life is freedom and Happiness, however such freedom and happiness seem far away from being the truth. Yes! It is true that it seems far from reality but such perspective raises from the limited One, from the one who looks at the world without an inner meaning.
We tend to blame and value the outside things in the world for everything that happens in our lives, has if we were not truly free has if destiny luck and coincidence were ruling our life's in such way that the outside world became our only reality.
Such reality is waking us up it is pushing each and everyone of us to the moment. Why is that so? Because it is in Life's will to realize such freedom and happiness because reality and Living is all about the moment, it is within the moment that One sees his inner reality and slowly becomes conscious of a new world, a reality where One can accomplish such state of freedom and Happiness.
Life is using the outside world to push us to the inner world to the moment where everything happens, people all around the world are finally starting to wonder what is going on with there lives why did this or that happened to me? The outside world is not capable anymore to answer all the Questions that One is willing to ask.
Such questions are also stopping the notion that one has of “Time” people are becoming more aware of the moment and noticing that it is within the moment that the reflection meditation and awareness happens an with it an inner Knowing is taking place.
The outside world is being used by you to you, so your unconscious state can become conscious of the happiness and freedom that “One” is willing to live, such doing is a paradox for the Human mind, manifestations such as being fired divorced loosing your house your business disease stress financial debts and much more are the tools that One is using to stop in time, and realize that Life is the moment.
The moment is the door way to such freedom and Happiness, to step in you must first step out of time, so you no longer identify your self with the worries of tomorrow or the fault of what yesterday happened, Life is the NOW this very moment where One can see and validate on his own what him and only him can validate. Words can be expressed, films, speeches, and all manifest world can claim a way to that happiness and freedom, but none will succeed until You and only You give that chance to yourself to actually believe in such freedom and Happiness within you.
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