I don´t think neither feel so...
Somehow people are opening up. Life seems to be validating something in common between some of us.
Is it a feeling that we are all willing to share a higher meaning in Life?
It looks like that we have found a common Vision, a vision of friendship love and attention towards Life it self.
We seem to be realizing the “obvious”. What we always knew from the very beginning, since childhood.
We are Life willing to share happiness among us.
A simple message, a simple word, a song, a gathering, a look or even a Presence is being manifested.
Some call it, a Universal yet ancient forgotten language, called Love.
Such realization is pushing each one of us, to a moment of peace joy and happiness, with it the will of just being the example seems to be enough.
The need to blame others to point out a finger to world that seems out of control is no longer within the Heart of those who are waking up.
Slowly people all around the globe are realizing the power behind Love. Such power brings joy happiness harmony and peace within One´s Life.
To Live such life is to share the Love with life it self and therefor become the example that One wishes to see in the World.
Life when awaken is abundant and magical, the will within Life in all living beings is to BE and realize that Life is was and will always be a space and time were YOU decide to play has you wish. Ultimately you will discover that it was only a play, were the script was decided from you to you from the very beginning.
The awaken One realizes such play and stops playing. He NOW chooses to follow his Heart, knowing that creation is a never ending process were Life meets & Loves it self.
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