Some may say it does not make sense a World AWAKENING it is not possible such manifestation, others might say it is a need that the World desperately call for, while others are slowly and simply recognising the obvious it is a will of Conscious Life towards life it self to Awaken.
It is within Life´s will to Love and Live Happy and free, it has been this way from the beginning of times, humanity has always searched for happiness a happiness that was never completely fulfilled. Today Humanity finds it self in a circle of time were answers and solutions no longer seem to appear.
Some may say there are many that do not recognise such will, while others may say it does not matter how many recognise such will, but indeed if "I" I self do recognise such a will.
Gandhi once said "Be the change you want to see in the world". Because Gandhi himself recognized the will.
A Connexion is Happening all around the world, life is connecting it self to it self through an ancient yet Universal language called LOVE. Millions of people are NOW communicating with each other recognising that they are not alone in this will for happiness.
The prophecies and the ancient civilizations spoke of New Era yet to be born, in some the end of the world is mentioned others speak of a change a shift in one´s life.
The end also means a beginning, the love that we are now sharing with each other is awakening the love within each and everyone of us, it is no longer a matter of who but a matter of you and you only.
So Join your Hearts will, and you will find Happiness and joy in such sharing, slowly a New world will raise and make sense has the old One drops it self to a past that no longer has a place in the Present moment.
Love & Peace 2 all
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